Personal Musings


I was struggling with what God wanted me to do next with my life. Well, to be honest I was being a Gideon and wanted God to confirm what I thought I was being prompted to do. So, I asked God, “What do you want me to do?” During my quiet time with God the very next day I read Isaiah 30:8 (NASB) 

“Now go, write it on a tablet before them
And inscribe it on a scroll,
That it may serve in the time to come
As a witness forever.”

It made me laugh – God really can answer prayers very directly and specifically. This led me start this blog. It also came at just the right moment, so that I could participate in a free Memoir Writing and a Self-Publishing class at my local library. As I work on writing my memoir, I am thankful for God’s clarity that day, otherwise I would probably give up. Writing a memoir is not for the faint of heart. Try asking God direct questions.  You never know what might happen.

By Andrea

Engaging God through prayer is my passion. Helping others to enjoy prayer through connecting with their individual communication styles and interests is my calling.
Being a Certified Spiritual Formation Coach who also has a Doctorate in Practical Ministry, I have a wide base of knowledge to draw from to encourage powerful, fun, and effective prayer.

One reply on “THAT WAS QUICK”

God always has a plan working for you that is amazing will wait for the publishing

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