Creative Prayer Coach My City-My Valley What I'm doing

Sacrificial Act of Worship

On Tahquitz Canyon Trail

After twenty-four years of researching and thinking about Tahquitz Canyon, I finally hiked up to the falls. Sure, it’s only about a two-mile loop trail with about a three-hundred-and-fifty-foot rise. Still, the hundred-plus steps that were twelve to twenty inches high made the trek a real accomplishment.

Looking up at Tahquitz Falls

Back when we first moved out to the desert in 1998, I started spiritual mapping the area. I researched the history of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley to understand how the past is affecting our present and future. It was clear that Tahquitz Canyon played a significant role from the very beginning. The Cahuilla people have a deep spiritual connection to the canyon. It’s one of a couple of places where freshwater flows all year in the desert, so it sustains life.

In my historical quest, I found the story of Lonnie Frisbee, a drug addict hippie – by his own admission – who started the Jesus People Movement of the 1960s. The story I’ve read is that he went up to the Falls, dropped LSD, then had an encounter with God that so affected him that he started baptizing people that were with him. Then he went down to Orange County and connected with John Wimber and Chuck Smith, which catapulted the movement forward.

Writing about the Falls

As I sat on a rock near the water, it felt like I had entered a sanctuary. The high rock walls, echoing the water splashing into the small basin, and the creek’s burble flowing down into the desert surrounded me with a sense of awe and peace. The shade of the trees, with a slight breeze, allowed me to feel the joy of the trees clapping their hands, in Isaiah 55:12. I’m not sure I can adequately explain the deep spiritual connection I had to God at that moment, but I know something shifted in me. It was as if I had a destiny moment – being in the right place at the right time so that God could use me to do something He’d been planning to do.

Internally I shouted, “Hineni” – Hebrew for “Lord, I’m ready, I’ll go, I’m listening, tell me what You would have me know.” The idea that God can use me or anyone, no matter how messed-up, to start a world-changing movement, resonated in my being. Even though I was sore and tired by the end of the hike, I now know God  calling me to raise up people who are willing to go on prayer adventures with God – sacrificial acts of worship, where our presence is used to change atmospheres, spread love, and the joy of the Lord. The world needs us to listen to what we need to know, so that we can go and do what God wants at the right time. I’m confident this hike was to show me, and you, that anything is possible when we desire to be in the center of God’s will.

I long for your prayers as God continues to reveal my part to play in this new season. I’m praying that you will join me in the journey.

Andrea Sanger
@creativeprayercoach (Facebook and Instagram)

My City-My Valley Personal Musings


Palm Springs Ghost Town

“Social Distancing” and “Sheltering at Home” are phrases that have become our new normal. As tragic as this is, I know we will survive. For the eight weeks before these concepts became our collective norm – I had been sheltering in place and social distancing, while stuck in my house, recovering from cancer surgery. I’m keenly aware of the stir-crazy feeling many will experience during the COVID-19 crisis. The way I stayed sane was by keeping busy – having a purpose. I crocheted hats and scarves for the homeless. Those days when all I could do was sit, I often felt hopeless and helpless, even though I know that is not God’s plan for me.

I’m now supposed to go out walking to rebuild my strength. This past Sunday, as I was walking with my husband, God reminded me of my long-standing dream, that “Every Street – Every Home and Every Business” in my community would receive prayer. Over the years, I’ve seen The Church in the Coachella Valley come together to begin this process. However, God showed me that He has set up a perfect scenario for my dream to be completed!

The Executive Orders in many cities are now telling us we can only go out for “Essential Activities” if we maintain “Social Distancing Requirements.” For example, an excerpt from the March 17th Executive Order from the City of Palm Springs states:

“Social Distancing Requirements”
For purposes of this order “Social Distancing Requirements” includes maintaining at least six-foot social distancing from other individuals, washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, and not shaking hand, and such other standards or guidelines as may be promulgated from time to time by  City, County, State and federal authorities.

“Essential Activities
iii  “To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, or running.”

I want to challenge you to follow the “Essential Activity” order by putting prayer before walking, hiking, running, cycling, or while driving to and from essential activities. If every Christian takes advantage of these orders, we could make my dream come true: Every Street – Every Home and Every Business being prayed over while we face down the COVID-19 crisis.

I believe this simple task is a God-given purpose for this time – something that will change the world as we seek the Healer for our communities, while we stay active in mind and body. I use the following as a reminder as I B.L.E.S.S. my community through prayer walks/drives:

Body – Pray for health, protection, and safety.
Labor – Pray for work, income, and security.
Emotional – Pray for joy, peace, and health.
Social – Pray for love, marriages, families, and friends.
Spiritual – Pray for salvation, faith, and grace.

I’ve also turned my prayer walks/drives into picture scavenger hunts using the camera on my phone. These hunts remind me of my amazing neighbors (yard art), and God’s creativity (plants, flowers, clouds, landscapes). Each of these photo albums serve as a memorial marker of what I’m doing with God.

I’m praying you will join me in this adventure.


My City-My Valley Personal Musings

Rainbow Prayers

Rainbow Flag Flying Over Palm Springs
The rainbow flag that revealed a new aspect of God’s love to me.

Living in a community where I regularly see rainbow flags flying, I shouldn’t have been surprised when God grabbed my attention with one on a Sunday morning during our Breakfast and Bible Study group as I looked out the window and saw a giant one flying over the city.

At that moment, I saw the rainbow flag through a different set of eyes. It was as if I got a God’s eye view of our efforts to be noticed and protected by Him. From my vantage point, the flag looked small in comparison to the vastness of the landscape around it, even though to the people under it, the flag would have seemed huge. A lot of the time, I think I’m doing something big for God, but is it?

The flag hung there limply for several minutes. Then I saw the wind begin to move the tops of the trees around us then move down into the valley, until the flag unfurled in a splendor of bright colors. It struck me that without the wind of the Holy Spirit, all my efforts are not worth much. I’m like that flag wrapped around the crane, just waiting for something to move me.

Yes, I lost track of what was going on in our Bible Study, as I pulled out my phone to look up the origin of the flag and what the colors symbolized. I also made a quick check of what the colors often signify in the Bible. There are some differences, but it didn’t seem important because my mind was already moving on in prayer, using the words assigned to the colors by the flag’s creator:

Red – Life
That life in Christ would become central in all our lives.

Orange – Healing
That God would pour out healing and restoration on people and my community.

Yellow – Sunlight
That the Son of Light (another name for Jesus) would shine on each person that they might know the warmth of His love.

Green – Nature
That all would see the Creator through nature.

Blue – Harmony or Serenity
That there would be calm unity in our diversity, which allows for real love and concern to be shared.

Purple – Spirit
That the Spirit of God would move in our lives, that we would live in the fullness of God’s plan for each of us.

In the weeks since this event, I’ve been praising God for giving me new insight into His loving nature. Now, no matter where I see the rainbow, up in the clouds, or as a flag, I take a moment to pray for the people and communities under it. I hope the next time you see a rainbow you will join me in praying!


My City-My Valley Personal Musings

My Chicken Line

Treasure Hunters Mark, David, Andrea, and Nancy

I stepped across my “chicken line.” My friends, husband and I went out on our first Treasure Hunt (see the book by Kevin Dedmon), where we looked for people that God wanted us to find. I can’t lie, for me, there is nothing scarier than walking up to someone and trying to carry on a conversation, but this adventure takes it one step further. We needed to share with them something that God wanted them to know.

What if we didn’t find the person? What if we got what we were supposed to say wrong? What if the person wasn’t receptive? What if…what if? I had to believe it was God’s problem, not mine. So, we sat down and asked God to give us clues to the person He wanted us to meet. We used a form we found online with different categories like: Where is the person? What are they wearing or is there an identifying mark? Do they have something obvious for which you can pray? What does God want to reveal to them?

Ten minutes later, we had our Treasure Maps filled out.

As a group, we decided to go to my place first. We did a lot of people watching. I found myself relaxing into the moment. Then something switched, and I became aware of each person walking by as a God-given treasure. Even if they weren’t someone on any of our lists, I saw potential in each person. It made me thankful that God loves the individuality of each of us. I thought, that I don’t have to fit into a certain box or fit into a preconceived pattern for me to be a valuable treasure in God’s eyes. It was a freeing moment. In the half-hour we stayed in that space, many people came and went. My husband and one of our friends, started conversations with a few of the people, but we finally decided we needed to move on to the next place.

We went to my husband’s place next. It was a new grocery store in town. He was looking for a woman, with dark hair, buying a yellow zucchini. He walked into the store and within the first two minutes found his treasure. As he tells the story, he was so shocked he had to take a moment to compose himself. Eventually he did approach the woman and told her our story. She was polite but didn’t over engage. He left her with a blessing.

Meanwhile, one of our friends found two people that fit at least one clue on his list. He chatted with each of them. He even got to pray with the ‘blue pants’ lady from his sheet.

Our whole group had an ongoing joke about needing to go to IHOP. So, we went there next. Why not? We had just found three of our Treasures. Maybe we would find more. The friend that hadn’t found any of her clues was looking for a female, red hair, inside a building with issues with her lower extremities. Our other friend who had already found two on his list still had a strange clue of finding someone with a name he couldn’t pronounce.

Our server came, and his name badge was “Ilaya.” Our friend asked how to pronounce his name. Even now I can’t get it right. The server said he was English, but his name was Russian. Wow, we just found another one. Our friend tried to engage the server, but it fell flat. What’s up with that God?

Then I saw the red-headed, female, walking as if her feet hurt. She was a server in another section of the building. My friend didn’t want to get up and talk to her, probably because we had just watched the last conversation fizzle out. Anyway, we spent time talking about changing our approach, so it didn’t come off as confrontive or weird, but as a friendly blessing. I could see my friend still wasn’t going to jump into a conversation, so I gave her a piece of paper and suggested she write a note and give it to the server on our way out to encourage her Treasure. Our other friend also wrote a note to our server as a blessing. They passed them off on our way out. Though we don’t know how those notes were received, there was a sense of accomplishment handing them to the Treasure.

Though I was the only one that didn’t find a treasured person, I came away with some great treasures:

  1. Be aware of the people around you, they are God’s treasures, and He wants you to see them
  2. Instead of leading with questions that would make people uncomfortable, give away words of encouragement and appreciation
  3. If all else fails, write your message from God to them in a note
  4. Even if you don’t find your specific treasure, you have succeeded because you stepped out in faith.

I know God was with us as we went on our Treasure Hunt and we found Him working in strange places and interesting ways. As an extreme introvert who almost failed her Evangelism class in college, this adventure was way, way out of my comfort zone. It took a lot to get me to step across my chicken line. However, I’m extremely surprised to write that I’m looking forward to our next Treasure Hunt. I had fun! As the Hunt finished-up I realized I didn’t want to stop looking. What if my person was waiting for me and I just missed her? What if…what if?

Oh well, maybe next time I’ll be the one who finds three people on my list.

Praying that you find your Treasures!

Andrea Sanger

My City-My Valley


Iridescent soap bubbles floating above a lawn.
What Happens When the Bubble Bursts?

We picked up a young man at one of the local sober living facilities because he wanted to attend our Sunday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study. Choosing to sit with me while we were eating, he begins to tell me his story. He is intense as he tells me about all the wounding and abuse, he has suffered at the hands of Christians in the name of religious practices. He says, “I hate all things, Christian.”

I have to laugh a little since he asked us to pick him up so he could attend this Bible Study. At the same time, I’m sad because I’ve heard a similar story from many of the people who come to this group. It’s difficult because I know that I’ve been part of the system that has caused the perceived pain.

My heart is broken for him. I wonder how to draw him back to the central truth of Jesus’s love for him. The desperate need for love and understanding pours out of him; his eyes are darting from person to person, jumping up to hug the people he knows from other places, his voice getting louder, drawing attention to himself. He’s passed his thirty-days clean and sober, but still struggles. I’ve watched this process over and over the past few years. Some make it to the other side — others don’t. I’m praying that he will.

He continues with this story. He is adopted from a foreign country. He struggles with ADHD and Attachment Disorder. He is classically angry with his adoptive mom. I have a weird sense of connection with him. I suppose it’s because I’ve lived through the love/hate relationship with my adoptive son created by early childhood trauma. I find myself genuinely enjoying this young man.

All of a sudden, he says, “I like the people here because they are real and care about others.”

That was the promising start to this story. Unfortunately, this young man couldn’t stay clean and sober, which means he was kicked out of his sober living home. Generally, we lose touch with people when this happens, and he is no exception. We did get a few text messages and a couple of voicemails, but we only saw him one more time. This past week, one of the other members of our group called to tell us that this young man had died at a party.

I find myself grieving the loss of this funny but troubled guy. I wish I could have done more for him. I wish I could say that he resolved his issues with Christ and his family, but I honestly don’t know — and that is frustrating. I’m wondering why God brought him into our lives for him to die so young. It’s strange because I don’t normally ask God why, but right now I just can’t help myself.

As a group, we are trying to process what has happened. Several people comment that this could have been them, others are sensing a need to reach out to people that they know so maybe, just maybe, they won’t end up dead. It’s hard.

That’s when I begin to see God in this mess. There is a renewed sense of urgency to touch the lives of others who share much of this young man’s story – angry with Christians, but desperately searching for God’s unconditional love that we have to offer through Jesus. I don’t want another soul to be lost because I appear to be representing Jesus as judgmental and angry. I want to live a sacrificial life that is vulnerable, considerate, and loving – allowing others to see Jesus through me. How about you? What is one thing you could do differently today?

My City-My Valley


Marilyn Monroe Statue
A Community Gathering Place

Several years ago, a statue of Marilyn Monroe was temporarily on display on the corner of Tahquitz and Palm Canyon in Palm Springs. The statue made that corner a hub of activity, making it an opportunity for God to do something unique.

While I was at church on May 27, 2012, I felt God prompting me to gather people to be a presence for His Kingdom on that corner. I also wanted to test a theory that I had been exposed to – the idea that reading the Bible out loud made a difference. Combining these two inspirations, I asked the people in my church if they would help me read through the entire Bible out loud over the coming month near the Marilyn Statue. It was a wild stretch, but God worked in our lives, and we did it. We weren’t conspicuous. The goal was to read like we were having an intimate conversation with a friend or talking on our cell phones. We didn’t descend on the area as a group but fit the readings into our individual schedules over the four weeks. Each of us signed up for one or more section to read, which consisted of several chapters that would take between fifteen and twenty minutes to read. We then reported back what happened while we were there. The stories were phenomenal. People wanting to join in, people asking about faith, readers receiving emotional healing, and overall love and connection with the community that opened our eyes to the needs around us.

During that same time, a group of Christian college-age youth came through Palm Springs as they were traveling around the country sharing the love of Jesus. They made sure to tell us that they felt that God was going to bless this corner with more opportunities in the future to share God’s love with the community.

Same Corner Six Year Later
Still a Gathering Place

Today – June 9, 2019
My husband and I were driving along Palm Canyon on Sunday afternoon and to my surprise and great joy there was a group of college-age students on the corner using conversation boards to start dialogs about faith in Jesus. Marilyn is long gone, but the corner is still a gathering place, and God is using it.

I’m looking forward to even more strange and unusual ways that God will inhabit that corner with His presence.

What are you dreaming about today? Is it a big God idea that has long-term ramifications? Are you bold enough to step through fear, embarrassment, and reluctance to make it happen? Are there other people who can help you accomplish your dream? If so, don’t let anything hold you back. For me, the risk was worth it.

My City-My Valley Personal Musings

Water – Destroys, Transforms and Gives Life

Subtle changes In the mountainside.

Too often when I look at something, I see the bad in it first. As I look out over the vastness of the Coachella Valley, I see the problems and issues. However, I want to look at it from the perspective of God’s heart.

This is an amazing place full of symbolism and creativity. There is a sense of hardy survival amid arid dustiness. The hostile environment is transformed by water.

On February 14, 2019, we had a flash flood which forever changed our environment, roads were washed out and many plants happily living in the washes have been destroyed. In the mountains where there used to be soft folds, deep crevasses have taken up residence. One mountain side grabs my attention. It used to look like a well-worn baseball mitt. Now I’m looking into a shallow cave with amazing stalagmites reaching toward the sky as a testament to the power of water.

On the flip side, the rain has brought about a “super bloom.” Plants that have laid dormant for a long period have more flowers and fruit on them than at any time in my memory. Some of the washes continue to have trickles of water running through them giving life to frogs, caterpillars and other critters we don’t normally get to see. When water is present things happen. Water can destroy, transform and give life.

I love how God uses the natural to illustrate Biblical truths. His living water does the same thing in my life. It destroys the things that keep me from His presence by washing away the things that are not rooted in Him. His water transforms my life giving it new meaning and purpose. The Water of Life gives me life abundantly – a super bloom life.

Though most days have a rhythm and pattern, if you are paying attention the shadows, colors and textures keep changing because God is in the details. A mundane existence is not the norm when the River of Life is flowing through you. Possibilities become unlimited going even beyond our natural horizon when we are in contact with the Water of Life. Our horizon opens like the vast horizon of the Coachella Valley full of possibility and promise because of the water flowing through it.

My City-My Valley

Walked The Walk

For years and years, I “talked the talk,” but didn’t “walk the walk.” I encouraged the people around me to get those outside of the church to participate in projects we sponsored that were designed to help others in the community – with food, clothing, gifts, and more. However, I was guilty of never actually doing that myself.

Over the past few months, I have been privileged to have walked the walk. I invited my Toastmasters Club (a training group for public speaking) to join me in collecting food for The Narrow Door – who provides food for many in the Coachella Valley. Yes, I got creative in my asking, by tying this activity to a PR project that everyone in Toastmasters had to complete at some point. The results, though, were amazing. The club jumped on board, and we collected over 100 pounds of food. Everyone expressed the joy at being able to help others in need.

Last Blanket

The past few weeks, we have been able to distribute blankets, socks and other personal items at our Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study to the guests who predominately live outdoors because one of my friends worked with her fellow gym members to collect these items. Giving away blankets and socks was especially intense for me because we meet outside for these dinners and I whine because I’m cold. When I look around the group and realize a good portion of them don’t have a nice warm, safe place to sleep that night, and these items will provide a little break from the cold, I am humbled.

These are just two examples of Christians and non-Christians working together to bring food and comfort to those in need. It opens the door for us to share the love of Christ with not only those receiving but also with those giving the gifts.
Now that I’ve walked the walk – I feel better about asking you to do the same. Step into the caring opportunities that your church and para-church ministries organize, by including people outside of these circles to participate. Since we all like to feel useful, and in turn, we need others to care about us, these events open doors to talk about a living faith while having fun. How are you walking the walk?

My City-My Valley

Hard Ground?

Crazy Tree Found A Rock To Grow In

The “Ground Is Hard” is a term I’ve frequently heard  from pastors and ministry leaders in the Coachella Valley. This is code for it is difficult to grow and sustain a ministry here – it’s a lot of work without a lot of reward. I empathize with them. There was a time that I felt similarly; but over the past 21 years my perspective has changed.

When we first moved to Palm Springs, we drove around a lot, praying for the community – we still do. One of our favorite places to drive to is the Frank Bogert Trailhead – it is a quiet place that allows us to look out over most of Palm Springs. While driving up there one day, we took a different route and happened upon a little tree growing out of a big rock that was right in the middle of a lawn. That little tree captured my heart – the little tree that could. Over the years we have made a point to drive by the tree regularly, marking the passage of time. Yes, that tree in the picture above is that tree. It has not only flourished but its roots have gradually displaced the rock, prying it apart with its slow persistent growth.

This for me this represents ministry in the Coachella Valley – slow and steady – finding my place in the hard ground. Over time, the crack where I’ve taken root is being pushed apart by my growth. It doesn’t look like much from day-to-day, but that crazy tree reminds me that persistence, longevity and deep roots in Christ and the community count for something. The tenaciousness that it takes to survive in the hard ground reminds me of Romans 5:3-5 from The Passion Translation:

“Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!”

Growing In The Rock

Where ever your hard ground is – rejoice for it is a place that can produce amazing things as God’s endless love cascades into us helping us to grow even more.


My City-My Valley

Can You Wait For Answers?

New Home for Church 212

Wow! I had a totally awesome God sighting this weekend! When I pray for something for years and get to see a totally unexpected answer to those prayers, I get overly excited.

This adventure started back in 2004, when my husband and I were praying for a friend, who was constructing an office building on the corner of Cook Street and Gerald Ford in Palm Desert, CA. We prayed that the area would be used as a hub to reach the world.

Then, in 2008, I met Pastor Mike Harrison. He had just planted Church 212 in the Coachella Valley. We began working together on coordinating the Prayer Team for a Christian Festival that was held at the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens in 2010. We started praying for his church to find a permanent church home. At the time they were meeting in a public-school gym.

Why Church 212

Over the years, the church had to move to other sites. We kept praying for the perfect site for the church. It is now 2018, and this past Sunday, October 7th, my husband and I had the privilege of attending the first Sunday Morning Worship in their new building. A building designed just for them, where they have a designated children’s area, offices, and a worship center where they don’t have to tear-down and set-up chairs and sound systems each week ¬- they even have an onsite coffee bar. Yes, this was an answer to a lot of prayers.

But there is more… for me was I awestruck that the building is on the corner of Cook and Gerald Ford. Looking back to 2004, California State University San Bernardino Palm Desert Campus (which is across the street from the church) only had one building and there wasn’t much else in the area. Today, it is rapidly becoming a University Community, with University of California Riverside also having a Campus just up the street and there are several affordable restaurants in the area that would appeal to college students. In other words, I can see Church 212 being a significant influencer in this university community and, in turn, the world will be influenced by those students.

I won’t stop praying for my friend or Church 212, but right now I’m praising God for what I’ve seen already. I am filled with hope, once again, for all the other prayers I’ve prayed over the years. It blows my mind to think of the multitude of ways that God can answer them and reminds me to always keep my eyes open! I hope you, too, will keep praying and looking for the answers.