Personal Musings

Sharing My Light

Andrea enjoying the lighted Advent Wreath at age two.
1963 – I’m enjoying the Advent Wreath

Growing up in a Christian home, my family celebrated the season of Advent – the four weeks before Christmas. I loved this time, not because I was waiting for my Christmas gifts, but because we got to light a candle every night during our family devotions. We would dim the lights, and my Mom or Dad would try to read from our devotional book. Each week we would light another candle on the wreath until Christmas Eve when the big Christ Candle would be added.  Even with all the lights off in the room, it felt as bright as it did when all the lights were on.

In my curiosity, I looked up the word Advent: A coming into place, view, or being, arrival – onset, beginning, commencement, start – the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

Candles are part of bringing people together
Sharon, Andrea and Debbie celebrating life by the glow of candle light.

My rabbit trail of thought then took me to the idea that each one of us in a place, with a specific view, that signifies the commencement of something that only we are designed to start. We are the candle that brings light into the darkness. As we connect with others who are also carrying light, we begin to change the environment around us. Yes, our little light is important, but like the time my family spent around that wreath enjoying the stories and basking in the light of the candles, we get strength from being together and sharing the Word of God. We grow in our impact on the world. We grow in our love and acceptance of others. We grow in faith. In those moments, when our light seems to flicker, there are others around to reignite us.

What if the blaze of our collective light is what it will take to ignite our community with the transformational love of Christ? What if I share my light with someone who doesn’t have it yet?

I want to see the whole wreath light up with the Christ candle in the middle, driving back the darkness, giving hope and joy to all who are touched by the glow. Do you?

Will you join me in finding one person this season with whom you can share the light of Christ?


Personal Musings

Enjoying the Moment

Fall at Lake Chelan
Enjoying Lake Chelan in the Fall

Early this past fall I took a trip to Lake Chelan in Washington and had planned to write this as soon as I returned from my trip. However, when I got home, I was diagnosed with cancer. Everything around me changed overnight, and I have spent the last month coming to terms with the season I’m in right now. It’s not bad, just different

In contrast, the fall is so quiet, and I could hear the squeak of the geese’s wings resisting the air as they flew over my head. The water was perfectly calm, and at one point, I was the only person sitting on the beach. Peaceful is the word that comes to mind.

Summer Floats
Beach time in the summer at Lake Chelan

Normally, my whole family (four generations worth) gather in the summer to enjoy the cold water and summer activities. However, this year, I had the privilege of a fall visit. The difference was stark. Not just because there were only three of us in my uncle’s condo (instead of 12-15), but the whole community was calm and laid back. The summers are frenetic – lots of people, constant movement from one activity to another – swimming, hiking, putt-putt golf, tennis, and more, with the background filled with birds chirping, bees buzzing, jet-skis and boats revving and people talking, laughing and shouting with joy.

The lack of activity and noise gave me the space to take in the changing season. The trees that had given us shade and fruit this year, had one last job before resting – to fill the horizon with brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red – a feast for the eyes. As their leaves fall off, details that went unseen in the bustle of the summer stand out like significant memories to be treasured. Even as the water of the lake was receding, things that were hidden in the depth and murkiness of water in motion became vivid monuments to the surprises waiting for us yet to discover. Creation reminding me that even now God is showing me new things – hidden things.

Crazy Mad Squirrel

As the nip in the air, the clouds in the sky and the shorter days encouraged me to bundle up, I was prompted to grasp hold of the moment and enjoy it by a funny little squirrel who climbed up a tree to give me a piece of his mind. He had a plan and my presence was messing that up. I find myself doing the same thing to God at times. I have a plan and He seems to mess it all up. After a few minutes of gyrating and chattering at me, the squirrel moved on with what needed to be done. I know God watches patiently as I do the same thing, but when I realize that His love and faithfulness is there for me – no matter what – I’m able to move on with life.

I’m so glad that I had time to sit back and reflect. God knew I would need to be ready for my next season. I needed to know He still had things to reveal to me and that slowing down can give me time to reflect on His greatness.

I know it can be difficult, but I pray that you can find a quiet moment to absorb the wonders of creation. God has something special to show you, too, no matter what season it is!