My City-My Valley

Can You Wait For Answers?

New Home for Church 212

Wow! I had a totally awesome God sighting this weekend! When I pray for something for years and get to see a totally unexpected answer to those prayers, I get overly excited.

This adventure started back in 2004, when my husband and I were praying for a friend, who was constructing an office building on the corner of Cook Street and Gerald Ford in Palm Desert, CA. We prayed that the area would be used as a hub to reach the world.

Then, in 2008, I met Pastor Mike Harrison. He had just planted Church 212 in the Coachella Valley. We began working together on coordinating the Prayer Team for a Christian Festival that was held at the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens in 2010. We started praying for his church to find a permanent church home. At the time they were meeting in a public-school gym.

Why Church 212

Over the years, the church had to move to other sites. We kept praying for the perfect site for the church. It is now 2018, and this past Sunday, October 7th, my husband and I had the privilege of attending the first Sunday Morning Worship in their new building. A building designed just for them, where they have a designated children’s area, offices, and a worship center where they don’t have to tear-down and set-up chairs and sound systems each week ¬- they even have an onsite coffee bar. Yes, this was an answer to a lot of prayers.

But there is more… for me was I awestruck that the building is on the corner of Cook and Gerald Ford. Looking back to 2004, California State University San Bernardino Palm Desert Campus (which is across the street from the church) only had one building and there wasn’t much else in the area. Today, it is rapidly becoming a University Community, with University of California Riverside also having a Campus just up the street and there are several affordable restaurants in the area that would appeal to college students. In other words, I can see Church 212 being a significant influencer in this university community and, in turn, the world will be influenced by those students.

I won’t stop praying for my friend or Church 212, but right now I’m praising God for what I’ve seen already. I am filled with hope, once again, for all the other prayers I’ve prayed over the years. It blows my mind to think of the multitude of ways that God can answer them and reminds me to always keep my eyes open! I hope you, too, will keep praying and looking for the answers.

By Andrea

Engaging God through prayer is my passion. Helping others to enjoy prayer through connecting with their individual communication styles and interests is my calling.
Being a Certified Spiritual Formation Coach who also has a Doctorate in Practical Ministry, I have a wide base of knowledge to draw from to encourage powerful, fun, and effective prayer.

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