Personal Musings

God’s Drawing

The Image Implanted on My Heart and Mind

Do you ever have a day when you think, “What am I doing here?” I had one of those recently. In fact, I was kind of whiny about it. “Why, God? Why me? Why this city? What is the purpose of it all?” Fortunately, it was a day when I was meeting with my Breakfast and Bible Study group, which meant I didn’t have too much time to wallow. Let’s just say, I was distracted enough to be looking out the window when – WHAM – God hit me over the head with the answer. I had been looking at it for over a year, but never really perceiving it. There before my eyes was the image I had been drawing all my life – mountains with a river-like cut down the center of them that leads to an oasis of color – sometimes water and sometimes field of green. I also realized that the drawings were always drawn from the perspective of an eagle looking out at the horizon from a lofty place. On this day, I realized I was looking at the picture from that exact angle. It felt like God was showing me that He had prepared this place and this time for me from early childhood. This was not an accident or something I just wanted to have happen – it was planned way in advance, so that I could have a reminder that I was in the middle of God’s plan for my life. That doesn’t mean that I won’t still have “What am I doing here?” days, but I now have a deep conviction that I am in the right place, even if I have not yet perceived all the details. I’m confident that, at the right time, God will reveal the next step in what I am doing here! How about you? Are you seeing, but not perceiving, God’s answers right in front of you?

By Andrea

Engaging God through prayer is my passion. Helping others to enjoy prayer through connecting with their individual communication styles and interests is my calling.
Being a Certified Spiritual Formation Coach who also has a Doctorate in Practical Ministry, I have a wide base of knowledge to draw from to encourage powerful, fun, and effective prayer.