Personal Musings

Blessed to Bless

Karen, Chad, Elaine, Brandy, Alena & Taya

Though my husband and I run a non-profit that helps people with faith issues, most of my work is behind the scenes. Most of the people we are interacting with are working on basic faith issues – what do they believe in and how does that impact their lives. Sometimes I miss working with people who have been walking in faith for years and want to go deeper or dig into some of the “crazy” things in the Bible like in Mark 16:17-18 “And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Or in Matthew 10:7-8 “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.” *
So, when a group from the church we frequently attend offered to pay me to help them prepare for the short-term mission trip they were planning to Kenya, I jumped at the chance. Really…to get paid to do something that fits your gifting, talents and passions is the ultimate joy. In fact, I sort of feel guilty for getting paid to do something I love so much – but I also thank God for providing for me anyway!
When I walk into a group like I can feel the weight of what God will be doing. Yes, I have knowledge to impart; but, there is also a deep sense of responsibility to release them into their destiny, which is much bigger than my little part of their lives. I love the “already, not yet” aspect of this kind of interaction. I love to see them grow and flourish and this group has not been an exception. Over the past few months I’ve watch a bunch of individuals turn into a team. They have gone from questioning if they really should go on this trip, to seeing themselves as capable and strong in the Lord. I’ve listened to them talk about how they are already applying the principles that we have discussed in their lives. They’ve learned to pray together, value each other’s gifting, love through the things that are irritating, and walk in the expectation that God will use them to show His love and make a difference. They tell me they are blessed by what they have learned.
This makes me smile – not because they are giving me accolades, but because God knew that I needed them much more than they needed me. I needed to be pushed to think the deeper thoughts again, to dig into the “crazy things” in the Bible, to remind myself that there is more. God wants me to participate in this more and I hunger to go there with Him.
I hope that you lean into your passions, using your gifting and talents to share the Kingdom of God with the people in your sphere of influence.

*Scripture verses from:
English Standard Version (ESV)
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

By Andrea

Engaging God through prayer is my passion. Helping others to enjoy prayer through connecting with their individual communication styles and interests is my calling.
Being a Certified Spiritual Formation Coach who also has a Doctorate in Practical Ministry, I have a wide base of knowledge to draw from to encourage powerful, fun, and effective prayer.

One reply on “Blessed to Bless”

It feels SO GOOD when you find you’re a blessing to others. I’m confident this pleases the Lord. You bless me TOO.

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