Personal Musings

Living Well and Doing Well

Life’s Lemon Force Me To Refocus

By Andrea Sanger

One morning I woke up from a dream with a word on my mind. I felt it was a word that I shouldn’t forget, so, I leaped out of bed (totally abnormal for me). I grabbed my phone, pulled up my app and typed in the word. There were no exact matches, but what did come up was Eudemonia – a noun that denotes happiness and well-being. Being a fanatical word person, I wanted synonyms for the word, so I jumped into comfort, contentment, happiness, health, profit, prosperity, protection, safety, security, success, and welfare. What a great word, right?

Considering that in the past few months my family and friends have been racked with health and financial setbacks, it made me laugh. God has frequently done this in my life – dropped a word into my dreams that I don’t know that shows me something amazing about His plan and purpose for my life and those around me. His plan for us isn’t the stress we are embracing but “eudemonia.” The remainder of the week when something came up that could have been stressful, my dream word would pop into my head and make me smile.

When one of my friends shared the immense stress that she was carrying around, I realized that although eudemonia was a good word for me to know, it was a word from God for my friend. She is on track to fully express all the synonyms and have a huge impact on the community. However, she was internally blocked by a myriad of fears (some seem valid). Eudemonia became my prayer for her and all that she touches – a short one-word prayer that packs a big punch. Since that encounter more stressors have been dumped on her plate, but there is a new level of living well and doing well in the middle of it.

As I sit here typing, I pray God’s eudemonia would cover your life. Also that you, like me, will wake up in the mornings with a smile on your face, knowing that no matter what happens with the rest of your day in Christ, you are living well and doing well.

Personal Musings


Surprise Reflection

By: Andrea Sanger

I admit my mind was wandering during Bible Study, but what happened was purely a God moment.

As I looked down at the table, I saw a reflection of my friend’s arm and took a picture of it. It got me thinking about how each of us imposes a reflection on the world around us, even if we are not aware of it. Then, I started thinking about a Bible Study I did years ago – it was about taming the tongue from Proverbs 27:19 (English Standard Version – ESV): “As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.” It forced me to think about what my heart was reflecting through the words I choose to use. Often it is not great – that is why I love writing – I have time to edit before my thoughts become public. I’ve started challenging myself again to search my heart for what is really in there so that it is appropriately reflected through my words.

Back to the current Bible Study, we were studying Matthew 8:23-27 where Jesus calms the storm. Again, I was distracted as the reflection on my friend’s phone profoundly spoke to me. There she was reading “Jesus Calms the Storm” as a calm and serene outdoor sky reflected onto her screen. It was as if God was showing me that He is reflected in the world around us through His Word. We will see those reflections in it if our perspective is right. In this instance, God was also showing me that Jesus exhibited calm in his whole body by sleeping in the middle of the storm, even though the disciples couldn’t see it from their perspective.

How many times do I miss what God is trying to show me because I am out of position or just looking at what is right in front of me? How many times does my heart falter like the disciples because I’m focused on me instead of the reflection God is casting on and around me? How many times do I reflect onto the world something that is not helpful or uplifting? I want my body and words to reflect Christ’s influence in my life. How about you?