New To Us? Personal Musings

Words Change Things


Last October, God and I had some fun. Together we came up with a word to pray over each week of this year. I’m amazed at how God has met my needs through those words. For example, when my cancer surgery was postponed due to a blood clot in my leg, my word was JOY. I know, what a horrible word when I was stressed and in pain. However, it was perfect for that week. God infused incredible JOY into the mess by showing me that postponing the surgery meant thousands of dollars saved. God also made it clear that I could trust Him to take care of me in all situations, the most joyful thing of all.

So, my word for this week is COLOR. I admit that this is a weird word, and I wondered how God would pull off COLOR. (I don’t usually look at the words ahead of time because I want God to do it without me trying to make it happen.)

In setting my goals for this month, I wanted to learn some new things. I chose to learn how to use the Canva app. I’ve used other publishing/design programs in the past and wanted to upgrade my skillset with a new product. As it turns out, they have multiple courses to get a newbie up and running. I chose to watch the ones on design to see how they use their product. To my surprise, about half of the course was about COLOR. Yep, God snuck in COLOR through a computer app this time.

As I watched the course, I realized that I wanted to update my blog’s colors to reflect the changes in me. God showed me that the grey cloud hanging over my head is lifting, and I need to release that into my work, so I have intensified the colors. The change corresponds to God releasing more drive and purpose into my life – I have things to do, people to see, and hope for a bright future.

All the reflection on color also made me realize that the content of my blog is also shifting. It feels more personal, more about the ways God enhances my life every day, and what it can do in yours. The texture of my life has changed, as God reveals Himself daily in the little things. So, from now on, I plan to focus on how God is in the details of life.

I look forward to the crazy things God is going to do in, through, and for me this coming year. I’m already asking Him to give me a new set of words for my weeks (November 2020 – October 2021).


I hope you will join me in asking God for words over your weeks. It’s simple: sit down with a calendar, ask God what word He wants for each week, then write whatever comes to your mind. I understand that sounds weird — but trust me — and it’s fun. It’s even more exciting to see later how those words were important.

Praying that you enjoy words from God!


P.S. By the time this blog is posted, my word will be TEXTURE. It just makes me laugh.

New To Us? Personal Musings

It’s A Sign

Signs That Speak To Our Hearts

Sometimes, when we ask God for a sign that we are doing the right thing, He takes us literally. In the mid 1980’s, as my husband and I transitioned out of college, we joined some friends in buying a small farm in the Kent Valley near the Green River. Our goal was to create a community of Christians that lived in unity in our diversity – with each family having their own home but sharing the water well and a common garden – providing a living example of God’s love at work in a group of people. At the time my husband and I lived in and ran a Christian sober living/transition home called the Wholeway House. Although we never actually lived at the Farm, because God called us to other things, it was a rich time in our lives full of growth and hope.

Fast forward 30 years, when we were again at a transition point in our lives, we were asking God for a clear sign of what our next adventure would be with Him. Our new friends, who had just purchased FARM restaurant in Palm Springs, approached us about an interesting idea. They wanted to grow a community that was a living example of God’s love to a diverse group of people – many of whom were part of the recovery community or were in need of love and acceptance. This is how “Live 180“, the ministry we now run, was birthed.

God knew we would need a special sign to give us hope and clarity as we stepped out in faith.  He used something that would speak right to our hearts, the “Farm” signs. (Farms – places where things grow and life is sustained.) We could have easily missed the connection but, we have years of practice hunting for God’s movement in our lives. He likes to do fun things like this to help us navigate difficult situations. We pray you too will enjoy hunting for God’s movements in your lives.

What to know more check out our website:

New To Us?

Going On A God Hunt

The Sun shining on the Coachella Valley
Palm of God’s Hand

What is God up to?

I have a saying, “Get people praying the same thing at the same time and watch for God’s answer.” In other words, go “On A God Hunt.” Over the past 20 years I have seen God do some amazing things in the Coachella Valley as a result of prayer. My desire is to start documenting some of them to encourage and inspire others. I hope you will join me on this adventure.

Andrea Sanger

P.S. I would love to get to know you