Personal Musings


The Time Is Now

Over the past month, I have been running into people talking about times and seasons. It started as we did our annual “Spring ahead” with the clocks, but I sense something more significant than that is in the wind.

Yes, as I write this, I am looking out at the wind making the Palm trees dance and the leaves of the bushes clap their leaves together, both fierce and beautiful. To put this in perspective, we purposely moved to the part of town that has very little wind, so the fact that I am seeing this is abnormal.

For me, this is a physical embodiment of what I’ve been feeling – that God is about to do something that is out of the ordinary and now is the time to prepare for it, just like we closed our doors and windows to keep the dust from blowing through the house.

This past Sunday one of our group members brought a reading about time. He didn’t know that this topic has been on my heart and mind. I was struck by two different definitions of time: Chronos – marks the passage of time and Kairos – which signifies the proper or opportune time for action. My sense is we have moved into a Kairos time with God.

You may be asking, what does this mean? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m just aware of a shift and that I want to be ready to spring into whatever God is planning to do next. For me, that has resulted in a change in how I structure my day. I intentionally spend more and consistent time focusing on my relationship with God: reading the Bible, just sitting with Him enjoying His presence, having deeper more intimate conversations with Him, and experiencing a strong desire to invite people along with me on the journey.

Will you join me in walking into this Kairos time with God? Is there something you want or need to do to prepare yourself for the critical moment for action? Will you be ready?


By Andrea

Engaging God through prayer is my passion. Helping others to enjoy prayer through connecting with their individual communication styles and interests is my calling.
Being a Certified Spiritual Formation Coach who also has a Doctorate in Practical Ministry, I have a wide base of knowledge to draw from to encourage powerful, fun, and effective prayer.